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Talent is a Myth !


The Tec4 Philosophy is inspired and driven by the latest in sports science research which states that talent is NOT BORN !!















We believe that the potential for improvement in any individual is unlimited and that scaling the

highest heights is not only reserved for a selected group.


For those players with drive and determination, who are willing to commit to the workload, the results can be phenomenal. The determining factors that produce Elite performers are :


The Amount of Practice ~ The Quality of Practice ~ The Players Commitment to Practice.


The Amount of Practice.


Current scientific research has pointed to the fact that all elite performers in any field , be it science , music or sport , have attained more than 10,000 hours of contact time within their field. To put that in to real terms , we are talking about 500 hours per year over 20 years , 10 hours per week, or around 2 hours per day.



The Quality of Practice.


Training and practice must always be set at a level that will stretch players. Repetition is vital , but progression is key.



The Players Commitment to Practice.


However many hours we spend practicing , ultimately the drive,desire and passion to achieve must come from within the players themselves. Those solitary hours of hard work will ultimately pay dividends , but if we have to force athletes to train, then we are on a slippery slope.


In the words of Matthew Syed ” The talent theory of expertise is not merely flawed in theory; it is insidious in practice, robbing individuals and institutions of the motivation to change themselves and society."Even if we can’t bring ourselves to embrace the idea that expertise is ultimately about the quality and quantity of practice, can’t we accept that practice is far more significant that previously thought ? That talent is a largely defunct concept ? That each and every one of us has the potential to tread the path to excellence ? 















“ What is done in the dark, will shine in the light “

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